Nov 28, 2008

(moldy?) Chocolate Graham Crackers

moldy graham crackers?, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

Sometimes I try to find chocolatey alternatives to cookies and brownies, and chocolate graham crackers usually fit the bill.

Tonight I tried to snack on some, and then I looked and saw that they were all covered in a mysterious white speckled substance! My instant reaction was, "I JUST ATE MOLD!!!!!" This is especially bad because I have some post-Thanksgiving Day doodoos to contend with today.

Hairy took a look and thought it might be flour, since every single graham cracker was speckled. Even the pack that was not yet opened had speckles in it.

So, ultimately, I'm not sure if it is mold, or if graham crackers are even able to mold, but now these suckas are in the trash bin, and I ate Gerber Graduates biter biscuits instead. MMMM!


  1. I hate it when I suspect mold but am not sure!

    Can you find chocolate tortilla chips? That's a good chocolate alternative.

  2. See, thats what I was sayin... Yucky!

  3. One time I accidentally ate moldy bread and IT BURNED MY MOUTH!

  4. i've had chocolate graham crackers before and that had that stuff. i don't think you should be worried.

  5. I haven't tried to buy another box yet. I should give it another chance!

  6. i think its sugar or something....i think i've had it! No Worries!!

  7. the white stuff is supposed to be like marshmello powder...... like if you ever ate the cerial that was like chocolate cheerios? it had white stuff too. yums.

  8. Yes, the mysterious white stuff is indeed a marshmello powder, or frankly just little specks of sugar if you'd like to call it that. Should've licked it! Mold is usually stringy spider-webish looking. A tiny tiny itty bit of mold won't hurt you anyways, should've investigated that cracka! ^-^ <3
