Apr 27, 2009

PORK SUNG (dried pork stuff)

Hairy and I drove down to Cupertino over the weekend to meet my folks and my bro and Jaci for a hot pot dinner in the Asian Village. After ordering food, we ran into Ranch 99 to shop in the grocery store of My People. We came home with lots of goodies, one of which was Pork Sung.

I think this is one of the foods that could really boggle the minds of the average white person. Basically, it's a lot like cotton candy, EXCEPT MADE OUT OF PORK. It's salty, fluffy, and it melts in your mouth! What's not to love!?

Protein in a pinch! Literally!!!!! nyuk nyuk!! Today, I couldn't be bothered to figure out what to eat. I made some tea, toasted some bread, slathered on a little Earth Balance, and then added a nice little layer of Pork Sung to my breakfast sandwich. Thumbs way up!

Apr 14, 2009

Twice Baked Potato (frozen)

I think that a lot of my "yucky" food choices stem from desperation, i.e. not wanting to leave the house or spend money, so I forage around like a bottom feeder and see what I can pick up. No, I'm not eating cow bladders or boogers, but, I think this next adventure was pretty yucky!

And I ate the whole thing.

I need a cool t-shirt about how much I love a microwave. I would starve to death without a microwave. I LOVE YOU, MICROWAVE!!!!