moldy graham crackers?, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.
Sometimes I try to find chocolatey alternatives to cookies and brownies, and chocolate graham crackers usually fit the bill.
Tonight I tried to snack on some, and then I looked and saw that they were all covered in a mysterious white speckled substance! My instant reaction was, "I JUST ATE MOLD!!!!!" This is especially bad because I have some post-Thanksgiving Day doodoos to contend with today.
Hairy took a look and thought it might be flour, since every single graham cracker was speckled. Even the pack that was not yet opened had speckles in it.
So, ultimately, I'm not sure if it is mold, or if graham crackers are even able to mold, but now these suckas are in the trash bin, and I ate Gerber Graduates biter biscuits instead. MMMM!