Legend goes that when I was a baby, I was so fat, that I had to drink soy milk as a milk-replacement. I can never tell whether or not my mother is joking, so I'm going to go with it. Apparently my love for soy has stuck with me to this day, because I LOVE soymilk and tofu and bean curd skin and fake tofu meat and edamame etc etc etc!!!
I posted this pic the other day on my regular blog:

Which led to someone from Vitasoy leaving a comment for me, and also @'ing me on Twitter, and blah blah blah, and then I photoshopped myself this fake shirt!!

1st fan photo on the My Vitsaoy Facebook fan page, what!
I know, I'm really dorky....
I also really loved this instant soy drink mix we got at the Korean market. Just add hot water!!! Sweet, soytastic, soysational.

Anyway, then my friend James asked if I'd ever tried black sesame soy milk before. I had not, but, coincidentally, I DID have a box of it in my fridge, waiting to be sampled. I was afraid. I do love soy milk, and I do love black sesame, but I was just really afraid of the two put together.
It was clearly time for me to embark on this soyventure.

First sip.


It's a bit sweet and a bit thick, but it wasn't completely yucky. I may not really buy it again, but I did finish the box.
Some girls are telling me that Vitasoy makes a chocolate mint soy milk around the holidays. Now there's something to be excited about!